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Global Talk #6: Paolo Freire - Source of inspiration for critical education and progressive culture in Brazil

24.11.2021 18:00  – 19:30 

"Education does not move the world, education moves people and people move the world."

The Brazilian educator Paolo Freire would have turned 100 this year. A great power emanates from his work and life. His fundamental criticism of conventional education and upbringing is highly topical, so are and were his ideas and their implementation for a radical democratic upbringing.

In a series of events (July to November 2021) this topicality will be taken up and examined from different perspectives.

This online encounter is about how Paulo Freire's pedagogy plays a role in the young generation of lecturers at universities in Brazil and how it is being taken up in relation to teacher training. Is Paulo Freire a marginal figure here or is his pedagogy taking on a new meaning against the background of the current political situation in Brazil? Do young people in Freire see a source of inspiration for critical education and a progressive culture in Brazil? What power could still be behind Freire's pedagogy today - in Brazil and also here in Germany?

Date: November 24, 2021
Time: 6:00 p.m.-7: 30 p.m.
Speakers: Diego Kosbiau Trevisan and Alexandre Fernandez Vaz, Department of Philosophy, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil
Moderation: Jana Funk, Bildung trifft Entwicklung Bayern (Education meets Development Bavaria

The event takes place in cooperation with the Nord Süd Forum and Bildung trifft Entwicklung Bayern (BtE).

Further information on the program and schedule is available on the Nord Süd Forum website and in the flyer.

The event will take place on Zoom. If you would like to participate, please register in good time by sending an email to r.thalhammer@nordsuedforum.de. After logging in, you will receive the login link for the Zoom room.